• [George Kocharyan Mystery: Book 1: The Bursar's Wife (Product Image)]
  • George Kocharyan Mystery: Book 1: The Bursar's Wife

      Author: E. G. Rodford
      Published by: Titan Books

      £5.99 RRP£7.99

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    Product Description

    Kocharyan is a private detective based in Cambridge.

    When he is approached by the glamorous Sylvia Booker, the wife of the bursar of Morley College, to help investigate her daughters suspicious behaviour, a series of strange events unfold: an unfaithful wife is found dead and Sylvias husband commits suicide.

    A mild stabbing and the unwanted intervention of female police DI Stubbing cause George to wonder if all the threads are connected…

    Product Specifications

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    • Paperback
    Cat. No.
    • 3513781
    • 9781785650031
    • 9781785650031