So Nude, So Dead
- Author: Ed Mcbain
- Published by: Titan Books
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Product Description
Hed been a promising piano prodigy, once. Now he was just an addict, scraping to get by, letting his hunger for drugs consume him. But a mans life can always get worse - as Ray Stone discovers when he wakes up beside a beautiful nightclub singer only
to find her dead… and 16 ounces of pure heroin missing. On the run from the law, desperate to prove his innocence and find a killer, Ray also faces another foe, merciless and unforgiving: his growing craving for a fix…
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genre
- Publisher
- Type
- Binding
- Paperback
- Cat. No.
- 3375006
- 9781781166062
- 9781781166062