• [Doctor Who: 11th #2 (DCUK Variant) (Product Image)]
  • Doctor Who: 11th #2 (DCUK Variant)

    • Discontinued
    Universe: Doctor Who
    Published by: Titan Comics
    • Discontinued

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Product Description

The all-new adventures of the eleventh Doctor continue, as terror strikes a recession-hit paradise!

When the Doctor last visited Rokhandi, it was a planet of such stunning natural beauty that an entire solar system had sworn to preserve it. What better place to take new companion Alice Obiefune on her first off-world adventure? And it would have been a magical vacation - if the TARDIS hadn’t overshot by fifty years. Now the austerity-hit pleasure planet has become a “theme safari” corporate hell, overrun by eerie, giant-headed mascots and a trillion tramping tourist feet!

But there’s something more sinister at play than rampant commercialism and ecological devastation - and the Doctor and Alice need to uncover all of Rokhandi’s long-buried secrets if they’re to escape with their lives!