Godzilla: The Art Of Destruction (Hardcover)
- Currently Unavailable
- Universe: Godzilla
- Author: Mark Cotta Vaz
- Published by: Titan Books
RRP£29.99- Currently Unavailable
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Product Description
An extraordinary new vision for the beloved character presented through a dynamic selection of concept illustrations, sketches, storyboards, and other materials.
Featuring interviews with the film’s director and key crew and cast, this is the complete story of the making of Godzilla, from concept to final frames.
The definitive book on one of the most anticipated films of 2014.
Product Specifications
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- Author
- Genres
- Promotions
- Publisher
- Type
- Universe
- Binding
- Hardback
- Cat. No.
- 3013151
- 9781783292806
- 9781783292806